Why Choose Digital Cards Over Traditional Business Cards?

 In this digital age, when everything from children’s education to health care, businesses to Non-profit Organisations, governments, and everything imaginable is going online – why should business cards not evolve with time to stay relevant? They are the future of networking and will be indispensable for businesses and professionals for being relevant. Read on to find out how digital cards can help improve your networking capabilities and help bring greater success to your business.  

 1.     Single Tap & Contact Saved - Contact Information can get saved on another person’s phone instantly with a single touch and a click of a button. Paper business cards can easily get lost or thrown away. It takes effort to feed in the information by the receiver. But in the case of digital cards, the information gets instantly saved and the potential for business and future communication increases manifold. 

 2.     Links to all your online assets -  You share all your social media profiles, websites, profile picture, and other online assets, besides the usual contact information that you can share using paper business cards. With a single click, the potential clients will have all the required information at their fingertips giving you a head-start over your competitors.

 3.     One is enough - Gone are the days of fretting about having stacks of business cards on you. With Touch, always be prepared to network, and never run out of style.

 4.     Leave an impression - Go beyond the prosaic exchange of contact information, and let your individuality shine through. Touch cards allow you to share bios, social media handles, and much more!

 5.     Cost-Effective – People tend to judge others when they exchange cards. A bad-quality paper card can reduce the chances of business by almost 85%. It's not cheap to get good-quality paper cards these days. Plus, to add on to these, the paper cards need to be changed every time there is a change of details in the business card. If an employee leaves, all his/her cards will have to be binned. Our top-quality Touch business cards can be an answer to all the above limitations. You can just update any change in detail on the card, use it as many times as possible, and reassign the card of a leaving employee to a new one.

 6.     Environmentally ResponsibleSave more than just contacts! A Touch card is a lifetime asset that cuts through the massive amounts of waste generated each day from discarded physical cards.

 7.     Track your Performance - Keep track on your networking activities. The dashboard will provide information on how many people have viewed your profile, and how many have downloaded the contact on their phones. Best of all, you will have all your leads available online.

 8.     Stay Flexible - Tired of having to re-print your business cards every time your details change? Simply change your details within seconds with Touch. Always stay updated with no loss of time and money.

 9.     Stand Out - Flashing your dazzling Touch cards is sure to make a distinctive first impression, which will stay on their phones for a long time to come!